Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rewards for Chores....

As of February 1, 2013
I have a new blog especially created for these chore charts, click on the button below!
They are new and updated and pretty awesome!

I have been asked by many to show what I do to motivate 
and reward my kiddos when it comes to chores 
(or really anything I feel needs to be rewarded)
Honestly, I have tried dozens of reward systems and some seem to stick more than others.
This is our most current one and seems to be working!
They get points for completing chores, helping each other out, helping mom out, 
going the extra mile, etc.

Once a week we have a cash in day where they can buy certain items I have on little sheets in 
these drawers...

I have so many rewards, some of them include:
mom makes your bed for a week, $5.00 for a book, game night, favorite candy and soda, favorite box of cereal, 1 extra hour of screen time, a visit to a yogurt shop, your favorite ice cream, the front seat in our car for a week, one itunes app, etc.

I think motivating and rewarding kids for things is a lifelong task that works for some and not so much for others. My 14 year old is more motivated by me saying, get it done or no friend time- it seems to be different for each kid and with our 6 it takes some serious thinking!

Good luck!

If you would like a copy , please click on the BUY NOW through PayPal. It is only $1.50 and also includes the chore charts which will make all of the requests I have had for these worth the time it takes to send them out. Just make sure to include your email! I send these asap via email so if you do not get them within two business days PLEASE send me an email at rebeccamadsen@comcast.net! THANK YOU! Thank you!
Email me at:


  1. We just started your system on Monday and its been working great. We had so much fun coming up with the rewards! We've tried so many reward sysems but this one seems to make the kids excited. Thank you so much for sharing Becki. My sanity has hope again.

  2. I tried emailing this to you but it said that the email address is invalid? If you wouldn't mind sending it to me to my email address, that would be great...moonshine_262001@yahoo.com. I just read your Rewards for chores blog, and I have to say that I am needing something to motivate my kids to do their chores. We have been doing a dollar system. Fake $ of course, but when they earn so many stars on their chart, they can cash in their $ for prizes in the 3 of the prize boxes we have. I usually purchase stuff from the $1 section at Target or Michaels or even the $1 store. I just end up with a ton of crap floating around the house. I like that they use their heads and count, but I am needing something fresh and new that they could cash in their $ for. I would love to see what your list has in it.
    Thank you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would love your list...I just saw a pin of yours on Pinterest and I love your blog! I will definately be a regular! ssjwest@gmail.com

  5. I would love the list of Ideas you use for rewards. korrinvanroo@yahoo.com

  6. I would love the list of Ideas you use for rewards. korrinvanroo@yahoo.com

  7. Would greatly appreciate this for my ADHD son. Thanks! eblarios@sbcglobal.net or bravoinbloom@yahoo.com

  8. I too have six kids and would love a refresh on our job rewards

  9. I would love some new incentives for my kids! I would love to see yours! Thanks joleechipman@yahoo.com

  10. I would love the list of Ideas you use for rewards. heatherbenz1@gmail.com

  11. If it's not too late I would love a list of ideas. You are very motivating & help me want to be a better mom. katesplin@hotail.com

  12. I too would love a copy if its still available - loving the idea. Thank you kiwimuminoz@optusnet.com.au

  13. I love this idea. Thank you. Could you send to melissanelson23@gmail.com

  14. I would love a list if it is still available. Thank you. macyjones@msn.com

  15. Great ideas. I would also love a copy of the rewards aapechy@yahoo.com

  16. May I please have a copy too?
    Thank you!

  17. May I also have a copy of your rewards for chores list? I am a mom of four that are 7, 5, 5 and 4. Thanks so much! diaspuzzle@verizon.net Thanks, Kristin Dias

  18. Would it be possible for you to send me a jpeg copy of your rewards also? Chores are a daily struggle in our house.
    Thank you!

  19. I would love a copy of your rewards! Thanks! tara.siyal@gmail.com

  20. Like so many others, I would also like a copy of your rewards! Great job, and thank you. sj_stewart01@yahoo.com

  21. I would also like a copy of your rewards. I am so glad I stumbled onto this site. cammieschock@gmail.com

  22. I just saw you blog pinned on Pinterest and Im so glad I did! I love your chore cards and reward ideas! Could you email then to me in jpg format? Thanks! This may bring some sanity to my houseful :) Jessica.Steen@hotmail.com

  23. Hi, I´m from Costa Rica but I live in Puebla , México. I just found this great work of yours and I´m a mother of a 5 years old and a 2 years old and I really need some organization in our daily life. Would you please send me your rewards ideas so I can adapt them to our life? Thanks!. Monica

  24. I found your Blog on Pinterest. I'm so addicted now :) I would love a copy of your system as well. My email is: shopfer83@yahoo.com
    I greatly appreciate everything you have done.

  25. I am always trying to get more organized. Can you please email me the jpeg versions of your rewards cards? Thanks so much!

  26. i would like to have a copy of the reward my email is alaysia73@yahoo.com

  27. I would love to have a copy as well, I am trying to implement this in our house. kim.fry@supermedia.com

  28. I would love a copy of your rewards! Thanks! dsi79@hotmail.com

  29. I would love a copy of your rewards also! Thanks in advance, crsutherland@comcast.net

  30. Please send me the rewards list. I'm tired of raising my voice to get action. Thank you.

  31. Great idea, I have been looking for other rewards for my kids and love some of your ideas. I would love to have a copy of your rewards also, please email me at brandyjane2000@yahoo.com Thanks!

  32. I would love a copy of your rewards in jpeg format. Thank you! tricialovato@yahoo.com

  33. I would love a copy of your rewards in jpeg format. Thank you! tricialovato@yahoo.com

  34. I would love a copy of your rewards as well! Thank you! krhalverson5@hotmail.com

  35. i just discovered your blog and i'm LOVING it!! i would love a copy of your rewards. mrspotts0817@yahoo.com

  36. Great!!! Going to try!!
    Could you please send your rewardslist.
    Thx a lot, Miranda

  37. I'm sorry if this double posts, but my computer did something weird when I tried to comment. I love your ideas and would really appreciate it if you would send me a jpeg copy of the rewards and job cards as well. Thank you! slgosney @ gmail . com

  38. I would also like to have a list of your rewards. pl. send it to me at mitali2929@yahoo.com, jpeg copy. Thanks alot

  39. I stumbled onto your blog, it is an inspiration to help me be a better mom (and a fun one!) can you plesase email me the rewards, i would love to use them with my kiddos! Thanks so much for the ideas! kialoni@yahoo.com

  40. What great ideas! I would love a list of your rewards!

  41. Usmcpaizwife@Yahoo.com

  42. Please add me to your list :) I would love a copy of your rewards. I appreciate you taking the time to help us all out. kshovlain@gmail.com

  43. I tried to email you but it says your email is incorrect. I would love to have a copy of your rewards! Thank you so much! klistemann@yahoo.com

  44. Hello, I would LOVE a copy of your rewards!!!! Please send to jennydziki@hotmail.com Thank you sooo much!!! Blessings!

  45. Hello, greetings from Belgium. Since I have 3 kids and cleaning up isn't their best talent, this might be a good motivation. Could you please sent me a copy of your rewards? Since my kids don't speak English, I'll have to translate them. (otherwise, it would be a good way to learn them to read English ;-D .
    Please send to mestdagh.corteville@telenet.be

  46. Would you mind emailing me a copy of your rewards to luckygrl42@hotmail.com?? Great ideas!!!

  47. Hi there. Would really like a copy of your rewards for chores in JPEG. My e-mail is: rhodescentralstation@yahoo.com Thank you!

    1. Sorry, my e-mail address was inputted incorrectly - it's rhodescentral@yahoo.com Sorry!

  48. I would also love a copy of your rewards for my family. Thanks. jkhottens@gmail.com

  49. I would love to receive your list of rewards! mommytocaroline@yahoo.com Thanks!!

  50. I would greatly appreciate a copy of your rewards list!! dbblackburn08@yahoo.com Thank you SO much!!

  51. jackie.anne.wilson@gmail.com please

  52. I would love to have a copy of your rewards list also please! Email celestialtones@yahoo.com Thanks!!!

  53. What a great idea!! I am always looking for new reward ideas for my girls. Please send me your list. My email is gjrktj06@gmail.com Thank you :)

  54. I love this idea. Can you please send me your reward ideas for my 3 almost 4 kids. Obviously the fourth won't be joining in quite yet. My e-mail is juleshart05@yahoo.com

  55. Hope it's not a bother, but can I have your list as well? I have just copied your house rooms and I'd love to have your rewards too! Thanks. melodyholland@comcast.net

  56. So it's May and I'm finally getting around to organizing. If you are still sending our your list, would be so kind as to send your list of rewards, my kiddos and I would be so thankful. trishjarvie@hotmail.com

  57. Would love it if you would send me your list of rewards, Thank You!!!! thesmiths22@insightbb.com

  58. Could you please send you list of rewards? I LOVE this! keri_lynn_wright@yahoo.com

  59. I would love a copy of your rewards. Thanks

  60. I would love a copy of your chore rewards. hoewingl@judah.org.
    Thank you so much!

  61. I would LOVE a copy as well. jacobers05@yahoo.com THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

  62. Hi! Just saw your site pinned on Pinterest! You've inspired me! I would love a copy of your incentives if you are still sending them out. Thanks so much!!

  63. Please send me a copy if you are still willing to send them out to davis.lewis2629 @ gmail.com

  64. I would love a copy of the rewards list. I need some new ideas! mwmwbw@yahoo.com ~ thank you!!

  65. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a copy of your rewards ideas!!!! I was looking for a great idea to do as incentives for the kids this summer. Thank you so much!!!! Cant wait to get started!!!! lizhuelsman@yahoo.com ~THANK U!!!

  66. Please send me your rewards ideas I'm in need of some change. I have 4 busy boys and any new idea's would help :o)

  67. I would also love a copy--that's a great system! We've tried many different things too with not much success. Maybe this will get them excited again. My e-mail is kramfam5@live.com. Thank you!

  68. PLease email me a copy also. crossfire1@cmsinter.net. Thank you and have a great day!

  69. Just an FYI to everyone that posted their email address, you didn't need to post it for the WWW to see, you are very likely to get spammed a LOT more now. WHen you enter your comment, there was a space to put your email address. The author has access to this information and would very easily have been able to email you back. Furthermore, I think her email address only needed one of the DOTs to be replaced with a @. Just saying. She probably did this to fool spam bots.

    On another note, I think your website is amazing and I also found it through pinterest. I am pouring over all your tips and tricks and keeping for my own family those I think will work wonders! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us :)

  70. Could you please send me a copy of these rewards as well... summer is starting and I need to change things up. thanks for sharing.

  71. Could you please send me a copy of these rewards as well... summer is starting and I need to change things up. thanks for sharing.

  72. Would you PLEASE e-mail me at kirstenmwright (at) gmail.com. Those are great. I craft over at thecraftingchicks.com, I have summer fun charts and such, but would love more reward ideas.

    Thanks so much in advance :),

    Kirsten Wright

  73. Can you please send me a copy of the rewards. I would forever be thankful. Is it also possible to send the "bored jar" activities I saw on one of your other posts. MelissaScalise at swbell dot net. Thank you soo much

  74. I would love for you to send me a list of your rewards to frogseverywhere2@bellsouth.net. Thanks


  76. Can you send me a list of your rewards? I'm in need of revamping our chore duties for my 2 kids. Thanks so much

  77. Add me to the email list Danalynn25@ymail.com

  78. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I would also appreciate the list of rewards. Thanks! Jendillard1@gmail.com

  79. I also would love a rewards email copy

    missa317 at gmail.com

  80. hahaha a $1.50 for your rewards email. Um, no thanks!

  81. Is there anyway I could get the everything package and also the pdf of the items?
